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145th International Convention: Cycles of Awareness - volles Programm

Einladung an alle Mitglieder und Gäste zur 145. internationalen
Online-Convention mit dem Thema: Zyklen des Bewusstseins!

Dieses Jahr nur online mit deutscher Übersetzung der meisten Vorträge
Programm, Sprecher und Anmeldung siehe: https://tsconvention.com/
Tim Boyd's message to the Convention:

Beyond the fact of personal existence, the most fundamental human understanding is of cycles in Nature. No one is unaware of day and night, seasonal change, or the ebb and flow of the tides. Similar cycles operate within our body and mind linking us to grand patterns of unfoldment. For those intentionally engaged in the unfoldment of consciousness the cycle of seeding, growth, and harvest of the fruits of awareness is supremely important – individually and as units within a greater humanity.

Über die Tatsache der persönlichen Existenz hinaus, ist das grundlegendste menschliche Verständnis das der Zyklen in der Natur. Niemand ist sich des Tages und der Nacht, des jahreszeitlichen Wandels oder der Ebbe und Flut der Gezeiten nicht bewusst. Ähnliche Zyklen wirken in unserem Körper und Geist und verbinden uns mit den großen Mustern der Entfaltung. Für diejenigen, die sich bewusst mit der Entfaltung des Bewusstseins beschäftigen, ist der Zyklus von Aussaat, Wachstum und Ernte der Früchte des Bewusstseins äußerst wichtig - individuell und als Einheit innerhalb einer größeren Menschheit.


Das Programm - Tag 1
December 27, 2020, Sunday 10:15 am - 11:30 am
Chennai Time (GMT/UTC +5:30)
Tim Boyd, International President reports on the yearly activities around the world.

December 27, 2020, Sunday 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm
Chennai Time (GMT/UTC +5:30)
Shikhar Agnihotri, India. After the lecture there will be a Q&A session.
December 27, 2020, Sunday3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Chennai Time (GMT/UTC +5:30)
Young voices from New Zealand, the Philippines, and Singapore
December 27, 2020, Sunday4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Chennai Time (GMT/UTC +5:30)
Pradeep Gohil, President of the Indian Section, address on the State of the Section
December 27, 2020, Sunday7:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Chennai Time (GMT/UTC +5:30)
Ven. Olande Ananda Thera, Sri Lanka

December 27, 2020, Sunday8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Chennai Time (GMT/UTC +5:30)
Das Programm - Tag 2
Zoom session with Young Theosophists
December 28, 2020, Monday7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Chicago Time (GMT/UTC -6)
Leni Robredo, Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines. After the lecture there will be a Q&A session.
December 28, 2020, Monday 8:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Chicago Time (GMT/UTC -6)
John Cianciosi, USA
December 28, 2020, Monday 9:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Chicago Time (GMT/UTC -6)
Das Programm - Tag 3
Zoom session with Young Theosophists
December 29, 2020, Tuesday10:00 am - 11:00 am
Paris Time (GMT/UTC +1)
Speakers from England, Zambia, Finland, and France
December 29, 2020, Tuesday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Paris Time (GMT/UTC +1)
Panelists from France, Belgium, Portugal, and Finland
December 29, 2020, Tuesday 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Paris Time (GMT/UTC +1)
Interviewees are from Italy, Kenya, Spain, and France. After the interviews there will be a Q&A session.
December 29, 2020, Tuesday6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Paris Time (GMT/UTC +1)
"Scientific Research and Spiritual Search" by Prof. Ememritus Ravi Ravindra, Canada. After the lecture there will be a Q&A session.
December 29, 2020, Tuesday 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Paris Time (GMT/UTC +1)
Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, France
December 29, 2020, Tuesday8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Paris Time (GMT/UTC +1)
Das Programm - Tag 4
Zoom session with Young Theosophists
December 30, 2020, Wednesday9:00 am - 10:00 am
Chennai Time (GMT/UTC +5:30)
Panelists are from Asia, Europe, and the Americas
December 30, 2020, Wednesday 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Chennai Time (GMT/UTC +5:30)
Linda Oliveira, National President of the Australian Section. After the lecture there will be a Q&A session.
December 30, 2020,Wednesday 11:30 am - 11:50 am
Theosophical Order of Service
December 30, 2020, Wednesday 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Chennai Time (GMT/UTC +5:30)
"Awareness Transforms Life". Four speakers from India, chaired by Vic Hao Chin Jr. the Philippines.
December 30, 2020, Wednesday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Chennai Time (GMT/UTC +5:30)
"The Golden Hour: A Turning of the Cycle" by Tim Boyd, International President of the TS. After the lecture, there will be a Q&A session.
December 30, 2020, Wednesday7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Chennai Time (GMT/UTC +5:30)
The four-day online Convention comes to an end


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