Blavatsky-Haus in Dnejpropetrovsk
Die Arbeiten am Blavatskyhaus gehen voran!
Ein Bericht der ukrainischen Generalsekretärin zum Arbeitseinsatz der ukrainischen und russischen Mitglieder im August.
Dear friends,
The Voluntary decade-2014 has taken place at Dnipropetrovs’k from August, 12 till August, 21st. It has begun with Light Bearer Day which is annually spent by Museum centre of H.P.Blavatsky and her family in occasion of H.P.B.’s birthday, on August, 12th. This year, for the 183rd anniversary of the Teacher there have arrived representatives of the different organizations of Ukraine and Moscow, - reports, talks, memorable readings with music underneath, the exchange of news, solemn cutting of a ribbon to a new spacious hall which is the House part, but did not belong till now to the Museum Centre, have filled the first day.
And since August, 13th the House was filled with knock of hammers, a sound of tools, and volunteers have started urgent works on maintenance at a stable condition of the House and its reduction in more attractive and convenient kind. Basements have been processed by an antiseptic tank and ventilating apertures are expanded, the waterproofing covering of a socle front part, clearing of an old paint of floors and window frames is spent.
Again found hall also has demanded the big labour efforts that it was possible for people to gather in it, we could give to it a decent kind only as a first approximation.
We are especially grateful to Aleksey Besputin, TS member from Moscow who has arrived earlier, has helped to define a front of works both necessary materials and tools, selfdenyingly worked himself and inspired others. The Museum Centre has noted his efforts, having appointed him as the head of the Tutorial Council. This year the number of volunteers from ТS in Ukraine was less, than last year, and it is easy to explain this fact. Seven persons have arrived from Kiev, they are Svitlana Gavrilenko, Natalia Berezanska, Elena and Nikolay Shcherbina, Sergey Shapoval, Aliona Salamatova, Andrey Myhaniv. Three volunteers was from Kirovograd, they are Raisa Kalashnikova, Liudmila Perederii, Vera Mahorina.
Eight persons has presented the Dnipropetrovs’k branch, they are Tetiana
Golovchenko, Elena Kolesnikova, Igor Komarov, Natalia Melnik, Alexander Mamonov, Tatyana Cherkez, Vitaly Bezverhy. Julia Borovskih.
Employees of the Museum Centre, especially its director Julia Revenko set the fashion also. There were assistants from other organizations so 12 persons from the Dnipropetrovs’k branch of «New Acropolis» have come on Sunday August, 17th.
Especially it would be desirable to note Valeriy Golovchenko and Igor Komarov who
have given the equipment, tools and vehicles for the needs of Voluntary decade.
This year all financial requirements of Decade for purchase of building materials have been provided at the expense of charitable receipts from all over the world. More than 10 thousand hryvnas has been collected by ТS in Ukraine, basically by branches at Kiev, Kirovograd and Dnipropetrovs’k. Our brothers from Moscow, Italy, Canada, Belgium, Germany have helped a lot with money also. Huge gratitude to all who has responded to our references concerning H.P.B. House repair. It is our general responsibility, our general care and pleasure.
Heat and house cosiness atmosphere was created due our culinary specialists, cooks
who indulged us every day with tasty, various and healthy food, bringing the home made dishes for all workers for dinners. It have incurred fifty-fifty TS members and Universologists.
Borsches, cheesecakes, fritters, fresh vegetables and fruit used special success.
Just for starting to render habitable a new White Hall, we have spent there a final dinner, we collectively dreamt of what we wish to see at this place in the future, the House and surrounding territory. It will be the sacred place for pilgrimage, fine cultural and spiritual centre with library, concert and lecture halls, memorial rooms, a showroom, a garden, a water reservoir, the arbours twined with flowers. Let's dream together!
There is a plenty of works ahead, we wait for arrival of separate groups on September-October. It will be basically works on painting of windows and a floor. Next year we will continue our efforts.
Join this noble project, dear friends!